What defines a writer?

Many has been asking me to write my own book, so that my criticism will gain credibility (which is very illogical). But then I asked myself, am I criticizing a writer or I'm just criticizing a self-proclaimed writer? You decide

I am reminding all readers that this article is purely opinionated, critical thinking is highly advised.

I love reading short stories since highschool, I can finish an entire book (Pluma) full of short stories in one sitting so I know what it feels like when you are reading a story written by a good writer. These people (writers) are really amazing, they write stories that serves like some sort of psychological projectors. As you read each words in their story your brain will start imagining the scenes as if you're really there, the way they write really matters, a detailed storytelling but not in a way that gives you an idea of what will happen next, just enough details to keep your imagination in its peak.

Then we have this flow of the story, where each seconds that you read the more it gets exciting, the feeling that you'll get mixed feeling of tense and excitement. Then you read faster, while you get more excited on what is happening, as you go nearer the end the more "so that's why!" moments, then you'll think it's already finished on that line, then you get more and you get really excited and then bam! you already finished an entire book. Now you enter the idle mode, where you don't know what to do anymore, you want to read more from that book, but sadly that's already the last page, and you regret that you finished it too fast.

But what makes a good story? Of course the unique experience that it can give it us. Unique in a way that a good book will surely give you a plot twist that you've never read before (which doesn't exist anymore on most "modern literature"). The writing style where you're already like "ahh this thing will surely happen", then some pages more and you're like "What the actual f*ck?! I never expected that".

But what about most of the short stories and novels today? Some titles are so shallow that it already revealed what the story is all about, then we have this repetitive chunks such as a Mr. Perfect that bumped into a very ugly woman and eventually falls inlove with her for no apparent reason. The story flow is so simple and so shallow that in each words you'll already predict what will happen in the end, and it's either you predicted it correctly or your prediction is a much better ending than what the "author" wrote.

So you judge my criticism, am I criticizing a writer or not? I would love to hear your opinion,