By: Katrine Cates Villanueva

He opened the door as he heard successive knocks on the door. It was Travis.

"You're just about in time." He grinned.

Travis then took a step and walked inside Justine's room to see the food all placed in the center table - the pizza box was opened and is missing a slice, canned beers were all cold and sweating and chips were all transferred in a transparent bowl. He noticed his pile of men's magazine beneath the table all stacked up in a neat tower on the right side, and porno DVDs on the left. He switched his eyes on his bed where his navy blue backpack was carefully placed on the left bottom corner. His room might just be the neatest room a guy could possibly have. He even has flowers on his bedside table which according to him, adds a unique sense in his manly aura.

"So.. Shall we start?" Travis broke the ice.

Justine and Travis were best buds. They were total opposites - from the arrangement of their rooms, to the kind of clothes they wear, and even to their school records in the guidance office. Justine has been always the good guy between the two. He's always proper, wear stylish and manly clothes, been on the top of the class and was never sent to detention. While Travis, is all the other way round - a school varsity who goofs all the time, never cared about grades, brought his own chair on the guidance office and sometimes don't change his underwear. But it didn't matter. One day they just clashed and then the next day they were inseperable. Two same charges repel, while opposite charges attract. Maybe that was the reason they were in their current place, or maybe not. At school, they were both popular, the kind of guys who would bring girls to flirt around them 24/7 without feeling tired. They got good looks, after all. At lunch breaks, they eat together and can easily cut off the line to the counter - all because of girls who think they're bosses or just so they could impress them. They walk together while going home, Justine in his apartment and Travis on his house not so far from Justine's. They were best buds like that. Despite of the attention they receive at school, they never had girlfriends. They were never ready to commit with girls who know nothing but to whine and ask for favors - they believed girls are just pain in the ass. Nah. Maybe it's better to say, they were never interested. They were men of few words, men who grew popular at school, not plainly because of good looks, their talents, but mostly because of mystery, and curiosity lingering in the minds of fan girls. They kept almost everything a secret, no one knew about their personal lives.

Travis and Justine sat on the couch and made themselves comfy as they wait for the movie to start after Justine had pushed the play button and placed the remote control on the table. Travis grabbed the can of beer and gulped its content. Justine lifted both his feet atop the table carefully not to push the box of pizza and placed his hands overhead. Two bestfriends watching an x-rated movie on a friday night. Everything seemed right. Travis smirked with the sight of the protagonist slowly drowning into lust while Justine watched with those eyes reflecting fire burning with desire. Moans and heavy breaths was all they could hear, seeming to tickle them from within. Justin then placed his left hand in Travis' thighs as he looked intently in his eyes. Travis placed his right hand on top of Justine's and whispered those three words that seemed to made both of their stomachs a flip-flop.

And then.. Both of them was lost.

"Where did you slept last night, young man?!" Travis' mother greeted as he walked in their house.
"None of your business."

He tried to answer as calmly as he could. He went to his room as fast as he can and immediately locked the door. He could still hear his mother's nagging but he tried to ignore. He smiled, touched his lips as he headed for his bed and recalled all the memories they had spent last night.

Some memories, you keep for yourself.

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