The Internet has created so many things and sped up so many work. It has become a major part of our lives that even the United Nations declared it as a basic human right. Just by imagining what internet is, anyone can have an idea of the future, of what it is like and what it will become. I am one of them, one of the people who hoped to see a knowledge-centered society because of the vast array of information that we can literally access with our fingertips.


My entire teenage years was spent on Internet. Seeing the potential of this magnificent tool, I quickly assumed what my life would be several decades into the future. A world where information flows everywhere as everyone access it from all parts of the world, that's how I imagine the world at that time. The planet full of intelligent people who constantly shares their thoughts throughout the world. Where everyone is hungry to know something new, something rare since almost all knowledge is already available in the Internet. A life wherein at a very young age, most kids will have discover their expertise, interest and talents because of the vast amount of information that they can access, where each youth can proudly call their self as the hope of the future, who forges innovations at a very young age.


Wasted Potential, that's how I see the Internet and most of its users today. The Internet is so readily available that the word "stupidity" is just a choice now. Not sure about something? Go to Google and find the answer, that's how easy it is to cure stupidity. But as I can see today, many young potential chooses to become idiots instead of using the full potential of this wonderful tool. Instead of using every chance to become the best that they can, they choose to use this tool for other people to dictate what they must do, for others to define them and to limit them. Youngsters has been so gullible that anything a person with 100,000 likes says will be deemed as truth, that most teens doesn't care about searching for the truth using 30 seconds of their life while they can spend a day looking for the perfect quote to use as caption in their selfies.

I am in no position to dictate everyone's life, I am just here to remind whoever will read this post that you are wasting a beautiful creation of mankind, a tool that can unite us and free us from the shackles of lies and idiocy. Let us become what our ancestors envisioned us to be; the hope of this nation, this generation and this planet.

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