On Relationship

Those who has been granted with physical beauty boasts about it and acts as if physical appearance is everything, then they complain about people who love them just for their physical looks. Our girls flaunts about their breast and thighs without thinking about the consequences, then beg for respect. Our boys steal other boy's partner and complain about being dumped for other men. We are asking for something we do not deserve, and recklessly do anything we wish and fears for its consequences.

On Society

We use smart phones that makes us dumb. We connect to the world by departing us from reality. We follow what everyone does to become unique then alienate those who tries to make a difference. We are living in an era where our goals contradicts our actions.

On Belief

We brag about God being good and act like evils, we teach God's love and forgiveness while we judge and condemn others to hell. We have atheists who brags about open-mindedness yet their entire knowledge was taken from Youtube Channels, non-believers who says believers are easily fooled yet they are gullible in many ways. Our youth doesn't practice what they preach anymore or perhaps they preach what they do not fully believe just to fit in our society.

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